Friday, March 25, 2011

Won't Let Go

I Am One

Have to check this out. Reflections by Roni is raising funds towards relief efforts for Japan, following the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear reactors triple-disaster. Through her "12 Days, 12 Cards for Japan" project, she will be bundling a set of cards, proceeds which will go towards the effort.

So not only will you be supporting a good cause, but also getting a great set of prints from a wonderful photographer. At the very least, take a look; that part is free.


Reflections by Roni blog
Her Fine Art site


  1. Todd...thank you. I really wish I could give you a hug right now. It means so much more than I could properly say.
    xoxoxoxoxoxo Big ones.:) Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for making mine.

  2. Good causes deserve support. And it's not like you're asking for handouts; you have some sweat-equity in this. So more so :)
