Monday, January 17, 2011

Stuff of life

Not that I actually do this much (sadness!). But there is something about strong flavors that appeal to me.

Not necessarily "stinky," mind you. Just something substantial.

Maybe I need to work on subtle. Yeah, that could be something to work on.


  1. ...guess that second paragraph was meant specifically for a fermented soy product, which by the way, has a subtle, earthy flavor...yes, work on it...

  2. Hey, nice to see you break out the lights! It's been awhile. This is a very nice B&W. I like the shine on the label. Nice!

  3. haha i still haven't really gotten into guinness. think i'll stick to my belgian triples :P

  4. @wayne - not specifically, but it is inclusive. And, welcome to the dark side....hehe.

    @deb - thanks! definitely something i need to get back into.

    @alice - tripels? i will accept almost any trappist brew.

  5. Guinness IS the stuff! Good things.
