Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Heart attack

Opened the camera bag, and saw what I thought were shiny shards of glass strewn throughout the bag. Already high blood pressure goes up, breath shortens; did I lose a lens? Trashed an LCD? Mirror blew up? Prism shattered? I hold my breath and check the gear; nothing wrong.

Perplexed, I picked up one of the "shards" and...freakin' desiccant beads! Bag blew up; Whew!

Okay, so it there a better way to put one of those desiccant pouches in a camera bag?


  1. We use this stuff at work:

  2. haha wow i would have had quite a scare too!

  3. Hey! Neat blog. Currently have an empty one called "Snapshots of Life" that I hopefully will be working on. RE: Heart Attack, I use Eva-Dry in an airtight Iris container and put my whole bag in it. Learned a painful lesson with fungus on my Minolta Rokkors.
