Thursday, September 2, 2010

Quickie post

So David duChemin is running a CS5 Master Collection giveaway at his blog...too cool!

As part of the "rules of entry," we tell the world about Craft&Vision. While obviously a big push for folk that carry his eBook, it looks pretty good. No free lunch, right?

Short fuse on this, so hurry! Oh wait, if more people enter, my chances go down. Okay, don't hurry!


  1. Noticed there are already 775 comments to the giveaway post...and it's only September 3rd. I didn't enter...I never win these things anyway. Never been lucky at this kinda thing.

  2. haha... i love contests...
    i used to always enter the local ones for free movies and free tickets to things... last year i won a bunch... we saw all the new kids movies for free... and won 4 tickets to see Stomp 4th or 5th row (can't remember) seats. the law of attraction... ^_^ hehe. Good luck... hope you win... keep thinking you already have it. :)
