Friday, June 25, 2010

Snowglobe in Hawaii? Uh, no

New toy! Sigma 8mm Circular Fisheye!

Well, maybe not as circular as one is led to believe; it's done with vignetting. You can see the inside of the lens barrel. But it is a rather expensive fun lens.

Second of 2 south swells to come in this week, so it was rather crowded at Ala Moana Beach Park. But it was a decent enough afternoon to enjoy the "scenery."


  1. Looks like a fun lens! I have a Sigma 10-20 that once I get a full frame, it'll prob look something like this...haha.

  2. Hi, Alice! Your blog is looking good.

    I also have the Sigma 10-20mm (Nikon F-Mount) for my older crop-sensor cameras.

    Hmm, sounds intriguing; I should try it on a full-frame.
