Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Casting Call for Senior Reps...

frame of pretty girl and nikki jennifer photography header and logo

Hey, all O‘ahu people. As the High School Class of 2013 starts to wind down their year, studying hard and preparing themselves for the next stage in life, it's time for the Class of 2014 to consider what they are going to do to take their place as THE SENIOR CLASS.

Well, here's one thing you can do, now. Nikki Jennifer Photography is holding auditions for 2014 Senior Reps. You can get a fabulous Senior session done by a great photographer, and the opportunity at POWER-UPS! Um, okay. Upgrades to your Senior package. Great deal, huh?

All you have to do is check out the qualification requirements, and submit an application by April 30, 2013. Easy, huh?

While you're at it, please "Like" their Facebook Page, if you are a Facebook person. You may also follow their Google+ page, if that is your preference.

Good luck!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

2014 O‘ahu High School Graduates, Attention!

Hey, 2014 O‘ahu High School Graduates! Nikki Jennifer Photography is holding a Facebook contest, just for you! But it is a short-fuse; entry closes on March 20th!

Click on the image above for details, or go to their Facebook post. And if you like their work, please "Like" their page while you are there!

Good Luck!